Alisa gained 1 lb 4 oz this month--she went from 20 lbs 7 oz to 21 lbs 11 oz. Her hair is even longer with a more curls at the bottom (especially when it's raining outside). Her 3rd tooth (1st on top) is starting to cut through the gums and her 4th tooth (2nd on top) is getting ready to cut through.
She was sick this week after having been briefly around another baby at the end of last week who had been sick and still had a runny nose. She had a fever for 2 days and a runny nose and occasional cough for over a week. Her spirits were pretty high most of the time and after a few days of me constantly clearing out and wiping her nose, she stopped resisting and just let me do it.
This week she went back to sleeping 12 or more hours each night and taking 2-3 naps (about an hour each).

She outgrew all her 9-month-sized feety pajamas so I bought her some "big girl" pajamas, which are short-sleeved tops with matching pants or shorts.

She wasn't as interested in food this month as last month. She didn't finish many bottles and refused a lot of spoon foods. She never refused finger foods though (Cheerios, fruit puffs, bananas, pears, mango). We gave her some apple juice for the 1st time and she guzzled it down.

Eating Cheerios at a restaurant (2-27-08):

She can walk much better now while pushing her Walk 'N Ride toy around or while holding onto your hands or the table or ottoman.

She enjoys taking baths so much that if you take her in the bathroom while the tub is still filling with water she will scream and cry and try so hard to get in the tub immediately (before the water is the correct temperature). She stands up in the tub a lot and has stomped her legs quite a bit. She has also plopped down on her belly and excitedly kicked her legs and moved her arms almost like she's swimming.
Alisa's latest bathtime discovery is that it's fun to wave the washcloth around and slap things with it (water, walls, herself). It gets things really wet, including any bystanders (3-05-08):

Alisa loves feeling the various materials on the quilt Grandmom made for her (2-13-08):

Valentine's Day with monkey from Grandmom and holiday bib:

Alisa frequently does this leg lift (2-14-08):

Alisa loves bubbles (2-20-08):

Fun getting dirty at Lake Ella (2-29-08):

Alisa likes to stand under my desk but soon she won't be able to because she will be too tall (2-25-08):

Alisa's favorite spot under Craig's desk is the shelf that's supposed to be for the tower (which Craig doesn't need because he has a laptop):

Getting a closer look at the crib mobile animals (2-07-08):

Playing with my old stuffed animals for the 1st time (2-25-08):

Playing with her stuffed animals in the morning (mostly the penguin in these pics):

Craig bought Alisa a soccer ball (2-26-08):

Last time to wear this warm outfit (2-27-08):

Winter dress:

Enjoying the sunshine and flowers (2-19-08):

Enjoying her books:

Looking at the photo book with family pictures so she will recognize them when she sees them again (2-25-08):

Alisa loves looking at magazines...after while she will rip a page out and carry it--or more often, a piece of it--around for a long time:

Playing with the plush ABCs (2-18-08):

Playing with little dolls that each get tucked under their own little blanket on the larger blanket Aunt Janet made for her:

Silly doggie (2-26-08):

First day she constantly practiced standing up without holding onto anything--she used Craig's legs as a pushing off point (3-02-08):

New umbrella stroller for times when we don't need the big and bulky stroller (3-05-08):

New outfit for spring pictures (3-06-08):

Labels: family