Alisa gained 1 lb this month--she went from 19 lbs 7 oz to 20 lbs 7 oz. Her hair is noticeably longer with a bit of a curl at the bottom and her 2 bottom middle teeth are still the only ones showing. It is so hard to cut her fingernails these days because she is wiggling and constantly trying to grab the nail clippers. The best time to cut them is when she's sleeping but she rarely falls asleep in our arms nowadays. Her nails end up being pretty long by the time I get around to cutting them and she sometimes scratches her face at night.

She has liked all the foods we've given her except cottage cheese (and it was even mixed with pureed fruit). She loves Cheerios and bananas, probably mostly because she gets to pick them up with her fingers. She has been easier to feed this month. She's focused when drinking her bottle (doesn't usually take breaks) and hasn't been getting too messy when eating spoon foods. We don't have to burp her anymore...she will burp on her own within minutes of finishing her bottle.

She sleeps 11 hours each night and started taking longer naps (1 to 1 1/2 hours). She doesn't usually get fussy before a nap anymore, but she will still suck her thumb off and on, slow down in her movements or become a little frustrated with toys. If she doesn't show signs of tiredness, we just put her in her crib about 2 hours after she started eating her last meal and she will lay down and fall asleep soon after (no crying!). She usually happily plays in her crib for 30 minutes to an hour or more upon awakening. However, she is usually fussy after her short evening nap--if she has one (depends on when her day started)--and wants to be held for awhile after (doesn't happily play in her crib upon awakening).

She is fearless when it comes to crawling on the edge of the bed or couch--she would dive off if we would let her (we have to hold her tight to keep her from landing on her head once she determines to take the plunge).

She can take a few steps while pushing her Walk 'N Ride toy around or while holding onto your hands or the table or ottoman (she's just not motivated to take more than a few steps yet). She loves crawling on hard floors. She enjoys taking baths and is constantly crawling and standing up in the tub.

She laughs and smiles a lot and also makes lots of puzzled faces in response to sounds and other new things. She loves hugging and kissing her stuffed animals (she does this in the morning and after every nap). She likes to clap her hands, my hands and even her stuffed animals' hands. She also loves pulling off her socks and playing with them.

We got her a learning table and she loves it. It lights up and plays various songs, sounds and words when different parts are pushed, spun, opened, etc.

She loves looking at books and magazines (especially those with pictures of babies in them). The 1st time I gave her a magazine to look at on her own, she kept putting it up to her face (1-24-08)...all the other times she'd turn the pages and eventually rip one out and carry it around:

Reading the Dr Seuss book "Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You?"...she loves the sounds I make when reading this book and joins in on the line "He can sound like a clock...he can tick, he can tock" by clucking her tongue (2-05-08):

She started pointing at things this month, which is handy for letting us know what she wants to take a closer look at. The 1st time she pointed at something (a large lizard sculpture on the wall) was when she was sitting in her friend Benjamin's highchair after eating lunch there (1-16-08):

Checking out her new giraffe shoes, which are super comfy and soft (good for babies who are starting to stand and/or walk):

She cried after drinking her bottle because she was still hungry and didn't want to wait until I finished preparing her spoon food. After she stopped crying, she had one tear under each eye, as if they were intentionally placed there (1-15-08):

She always ends up playing under my desk when I'm working or playing on the computer:

She thinks it's so fun to sit in our office chairs and she is in my new chair (1-16-08):

New pajamas from Aunt Janet (so she'd be close to matching the pajamas of her older girl cousins on Christmas morning):

Alisa loves this new ball we got for her (1-20-08):

She always has something in her hand or mouth, even when crawling (1-24-08):

Standing for one of the 1st times without holding onto anything for support (1-23-08):

Alisa absolutely loves these little ducks (we were given 4 of them so there is one in each main room):

She thinks it's hilarious when I put or let her put toys in my mouth (1-27-08):

This is the face she made after I said "No" to touching the nightlight (2-06-08):

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