Bigger and Better Fish Tank
We now have a 6-foot-long, 125-gallon fish tank! We put it down in the new room, which is mostly used as a study and game room.
(You can click on any of the pictures for a closer view).
Here it is on the first day or so in late November (the water is murky because the sand hadn't settled completely yet):

Here it is now with some new additions (more rocks and shells):

These are the cichlids that used to be in our 20-gallon tank:

Craig got this 75 lb quartz rock from his friend Kevin, who got it out of a river in Vermont:

Craig got these slate rocks (about 20 lbs each) from a creek by his friend Jeremy's house in Arkansas:

Here is a video Craig got of the fish:
Labels: house
OMG thats amazing!
2/15/2008 1:53 PM
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