This is my site where I will be sharing my thoughts, feelings and happenings. In the words of Austin Powers, "It's my happening, baby, and it freaks me out...yeah!" Enjoy!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bigger and Better Fish Tank

We now have a 6-foot-long, 125-gallon fish tank! We put it down in the new room, which is mostly used as a study and game room.

(You can click on any of the pictures for a closer view).

Here it is on the first day or so in late November (the water is murky because the sand hadn't settled completely yet):

Here it is now with some new additions (more rocks and shells):

These are the cichlids that used to be in our 20-gallon tank:

Craig got this 75 lb quartz rock from his friend Kevin, who got it out of a river in Vermont:

Craig got these slate rocks (about 20 lbs each) from a creek by his friend Jeremy's house in Arkansas:

Here is a video Craig got of the fish:



Blogger Courtney said...

OMG thats amazing!

2/15/2008 1:53 PM


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