More Pregnancy Stuff
"Up to 1 percent of pregnant women develop a condition characterized by itchy, red bumps and larger patches of a hive-like rash on their bellies. This is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) or polymorphic eruption of pregnancy. PUPPP usually begins in the third trimester and is more common among women carrying twins and those having their first baby. The eruptions usually show up first on the abdomen around or in stretch marks (if you have any) and may spread to your thighs, buttocks, and arms. PUPPP is harmless for you and your baby, but it can itch like crazy!" Well, lucky me is in that tiny 1% as I now have the rash (started week 35). It has stayed just on my lower belly (where I can't even see it without a mirror) for now though, thank God, and it doesn't itch all the time (but when it does itch, it ITCHES!). My feet started itching a lot (especially on the sides of my heels) during week 37 but I don't see any red bumps or anything.
During week 35 they did a vaginal and anal swab test to check for Strep B. Someone (either at the doctor's office or the lab) lost the sample so they had to repeat it the next week. It was really no big deal (no discomfort during the quick sample collecting) and the test results turned out to be normal. I mentioned that I had been having a little watery discharge with an odor each morning like clockwork for a few days and the doctor took a sample to make sure it wasn't amniotic fluid. He said it wasn't, but was some kind of bacterial infection. I had to take a pill twice a day for 7 days and then it was gone. No big deal. He also gave me a prescription for Tylenol with Codeine because of my persistent back pain. Those pills didn't help and they made me vomit both days I took them so that was awful.
As I mentioned before, I've been going to the chiropractor since week 34 to get some relief from my persistent back pain. The pain comes at some point every day (usually in the evenings) and thankfully it's only been REALLY intense a handful of times. Still, it hurts a lot and makes it so hard to sit and relax in the evenings like I'm supposed to (because it's worse when I sit). I have seen improvements over time as I have actually gone on a few 10 minute drives recently with NO PAIN! I pray that it goes away completely right after the birth because if it doesn't then breastfeeding will be harder.
Baby Alisa dropped down at the beginning of week 36. I noticed because I could breathe much easier. Sweet relief! I still get winded easily, but I at least I can take deeper breaths now. I've had a stinging pain in one spot on the top of my belly just to the right of the center since about week 35. When I first mentioned it to the doctor he asked some questions and then said since it was a surface-level pain it must just be related to my growing belly. But at my next weekly appointment when I mentioned that I still had the pain and showed him that I also had the PUPPP rash he said sometimes the two together can indicate a problem with the gallbladder. So, he ordered a blood test and ultrasound on my gallbladder and pancreas. The blood test was normal and the ultrasound confirmed that nothing was wrong with my organs. Actually, my spleen, which is on the left side, is a little enlarged. He said it will probably return to it's normal size after the baby is born but I will have an ultrasound about 6 weeks later to be sure. Anyway, the doctor said once again the pain must be on the muscular level and caused by my heavy and growing belly. It's good to hear that nothing's wrong with my organs but I just pray that the pain leaves when my belly is emptied out during the birth.
My hands have been swollen for months but I kept my wedding ring on because, hey, it's my wedding ring. Well, I eventually took it off one day while I could when my hands were surprisingly less swollen. I haven't been able to put it back on since because my fingers are just too fat right now. They are stiff and hurt and fall asleep every night and morning even though I don't ever lay on them. It's pretty annoying and makes it harder for me to push myself up to a sitting position with my hand. I noticed that my watch has been tight for quite awhile, which means even my wrists are fatter now (they've always been so skinny and they still look skinny but they are definitely bigger than before). My ankle swelling varies each day depending on how much I walked or stood. Mostly just my left ankle is swollen by the evening and I find it odd that it's just that one.
I've been sleeping pretty well most nights, just waking up briefly to roll over several times. I only have to go to the bathroom once during the night--if that--and from what I hear from others I'm pretty lucky (and this just started recently, always between 3:30am and 5:00am). My voice has been cracking a lot for more than a month (can't remember when it started). It's really crazy sounding at times and I often have to clear my throat just to be able to speak. Craig thinks it's cute but I think it's annoying because it makes it hard to talk to people. Many people ask me if I'm okay because I sound sick. No strangers have touched my belly, but they sure have opinions on it. Lately the people I've come into contact with have been saying they think I'm having a boy because I'm carrying the baby way out in front. Some say I'm tiny, but most say I look like I won't make it to my due date.
Baby Alisa is due in 12 days so this just might be my last pregnancy update! I will be glad to no longer be pregnant. It's been hard, though the end reward makes it worth it, I'm sure. Alisa moves around a lot every time I eat (which is still every few hours) and when I lie down at night. Sometimes I can feel her whole back pressing out against my belly all at once. She has the hiccups a lot, which I've read is common. It's strange to feel her movements from hiccuping deep down inside my belly, verses when I feel them at the surface (depending on her position). Her head has been down since at least week 35, so she's getting ready for the birth. You can believe I will post many pictures of her after she's born!!
Here's a picture taken on 11-19-06 of one of the first maternity tops I bought:

Here's my favorite "nice" maternity outfit:

This t-shirt has been one of my favorite shirts for many years because it's so comfy and loose (it's not a maternity shirt and I'm surprised I can wear it now because I certainly can't wear any of my other regular t-shirts). Also, I had just gotten my hair cut before this picture was taken (the picture doesn't do it justice):

Here are today's belly pics (38 weeks and 4 days pregnant):

And my lovely rash and stretchmarks (I love how round my belly is):

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