Remember that snakeskin I posted about in November? Well, we finally found the owner, after having seen more snake skins under our house and in the electric meter closet. We are having a new room added onto the bottom floor of our house and the snake was discovered living in the floor among the insulation (under the kitchen). The construction guys spotted him and couldn't pull him out as he was scared and wrapped around something. Craig found it later as the bathroom walls were being busted out and took him outside. He held him for awhile and tried to convince me to let him put the snake back under our house or somewhere nearby. I said no so he eventually released it in the woods on the other side of the creek. I held the snake too and it felt pretty nice, but I still didn't want it living right by our house.

Ha, look at the snake checking out Craig's butt!:

Labels: nature, tallahassee
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