Trees are budding and flowers are blooming! So pretty! These pictures were taken around our neighborhood...

King Sago (we bought 2 small ones awhile back but have been waiting to plant them until we have our lawn seeded with grass):

Nice Pindo Palm trees--man these are worth a lot of money!:

This wonderful flower is outside our chiropractor's office:

On a different note, we were driving home after running some errands this afternoon when we heard on the radio about a bank robbery on the other side of town. They said to be on the lookout for a young man and money covered with red dye (the dye pack exploded as he left the building). As soon as we got to the entrance of our neighborhood about 10 minutes later we began to wonder what was going on because we saw a car, a cop car and a UPS truck do a u-turn to leave the neighborhood. We drove on and several SUVs passed us going the opposite direction. There is not usually much traffic in our neighborhood so we were puzzled.
Then, as we approached our street, we had to stop because several SUVs and 2 cop cars with flashing lights turned onto our street. We turned after them to head home. They had zoomed off to where we couldn't see them so we followed cautiously. As we curved around the corner by our driveway we saw all the cars parked in the cul-de-sac at the end of our street (about 10 houses away). Cops were rushing off into the woods (there is one empty lot down there as well as 3 occupied ones). We backed into our driveway so we would be out of the way yet be able to kinda watch what was going on. It was raining and we saw several neighbors walking down the street under umbrellas. We couldn't see much else so we went down the driveway to our house after a few minutes. We didn't want to walk down the street and risk getting caught in the crossfire or something.
We found out later that the bank robber (a 25-year old) was found hiding on the roof of one of the houses in that cul-de-sac. Don't know why he drove across town and into our dead-end neighborhood when he could have gotten on the highway which is right outside our neighborhood. Anyway, it was a little bit of cops and robber excitement in these parts.
Labels: nature, tallahassee
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