Haircut Pics
Here's the rundown on my hair...for the past 10 years or so I have mostly just worn it long, straight and parted down the middle with no bangs. I would just wash it, dry it and fancy fixins. I was used to getting my hair trimmed about once a year (that's bad, I know, as far as split ends are concerned) so I wasn't attached to a particular hair stylist.
Well, last year I decided to try it short for the 2nd time ever so I randomly picked a salon from the phone book (found a coupon and saw that they had a website) and set up an appointment. I loved the girl that did my hair...she was about my age. I had a 2nd appointment with her awhile later but when I scheduled the 3rd appointment with her in May of this year the salon said she had just moved out of state suddenly because her husband got a job promotion. So I was back to square one. I had the salon set me up with someone else there and the guy was nice but not spectacular or anything. He was actually younger than me and only had one year of experience. I needed to find someone who could tell me and give me a style that would look good with my round face.
Well, a friend recommended her hair stylist so I made an appointment last week. He's been in the business for about 20 years so he's a pro. He's been with several salons during his career but finally just started his own place. He uses organic products so that's cool. Anyway, I will definitely be going back to him! Here's what he gave me:

Now I just need practice in styling it to where it will look really good rather than just okay.
So I've turned over a new leaf by having my hair cut at least 4 times this year (and each time a slightly different style...getting a bit shorter each time).