Alisa is 9 Months Old Today
Alisa gained 7 oz this month--she went from 19 lbs to 19 lbs 7 oz. Her hair is noticeably longer again and her 2 bottom middle teeth have fully emerged.
Alisa likes to stand, but is wobbly on her feet. She sleeps 11 hours each night and started taking shorter naps (usually 30 minutes).
She went on her first long distance trip (3 weeks in Tulsa for Christmas and New Year's). She was overwhelmed at times with all the new faces but she did warm up to the family. She enjoyed watching her older cousins play, but sometimes needed to get away from all the noise. I worked almost full time from the office in Tulsa during our visit (since I had to be considered an independent consultant after moving to Florida and I no longer get any paid vacation) so Craig and Grandmom took care of Alisa during the day.
Nana (Craig's mom) mailed Alisa's Christmas presents from West Virginia and we opened them early since we didn't have room in the car for them during our trip to Tulsa. Here Alisa is playing with the "Tiny Love Musical Stack & Play" toy (it lights up and plays various sounds and songs when you drop a shaker ball in the elephant's head):

Craig adorned her with the elephant parts from her toy and, surprisingly, the ring stayed on her head for quite awhile:

Alisa loves playing with the nesting cups:

Tasty bath finger puppets:

Fun with bow that was on 2nd Christmas present she received (mailed from my friend Joyce in Texas):

Looking at the "Happy Baby Colors" book that Nana sent:

Lifting a flap on the "My Little People Farm Lift-the-Flap PlayBook" that Nana sent:

Sliding the book around on the carpet:

Looking at Reader's Digest with Grandmom (my mom):

With the grandparents in Tulsa:

Laughing with Grandad (my dad):

Baby's 1st Christmas hat:

Sitting on Jonathan's lap (my cousin). I think he was the only one she didn't get clingy and upset during the initial encounter. I think it's because he was smiling so big and he's such a joyful person that it put her at ease. She doesn't usually let people hold her when she first meets them and he got to hold her almost right away!

She couldn't get enough of standing by the popcorn tin and banging on it with a spoon:

Eating breakfast on the day she first said ma-ma (ironic that she said it when daddy was feeding her):

Grandmom was thoughtful and borrowed this highchair for Alisa from her church during our visit:

Alisa loved crawling under the chairs in the dining room at Grandmom & Grandad's house:

She made this face for the first time in Tulsa...and she did it repeatedly:

Alisa couldn't resist the ornaments on the tree:

Fun with Aunt Karen:

Alisa loved crawling on the hard floors at Grandmom & Grandad's house:

After opening first present on Christmas morning:

Christmas dress:

Playing with cousin Anna's new water baby:

Playing with Aunt Lindsay's necklace:

Anna loved playing with her youngest cousin Alisa:

Cousin Anna was very helpful:

Alisa scraped her forehead and nose on the coffee table at our friends' house. She was recovering from an illness, but kept wanting to stand and play at the table. She was a bit weak still and ended up falling and hitting the table with her chin and then forehead before I could catch her. Her forehead didn't bleed at all as just a thin layer of skin was scraped off...but it sure scabbed over well and looked bad.

New Walk 'N Ride toy:

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