Red Eyes in Photos
In the past, I have tried many ways of fixing red eyes in photos and they just don't work so I gave up for awhile. Well, I've recently been uploading pics from my digital camera to my computer using Photoshop Elements 4.0 and selecting the option to automatically fix red eyes. It works well for the most part but occasionally blackens out the wrong thing. I have been laughing at some of the decisions it has made to blacken out things such as 2 or 4 pink flowers on Alisa's outfit (which had hundreds of those same flowers), the tear duct area of her eye, just one eye, a spot on her bib and even her lips! Fortunately, it saves the corrected version under a different name (puts "_edited-1" on the end) so the original file is not deleted.
Someday I will make time to correct older pics with the red eye issue but for now I am only doing new pics. At least I finally found a program that works pretty well!
Here is the red eye fix that turned her lips black:

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