This is my site where I will be sharing my thoughts, feelings and happenings. In the words of Austin Powers, "It's my happening, baby, and it freaks me out...yeah!" Enjoy!

Friday, January 04, 2008

90,000 miles

The odometer on my 2000 Honda reached 90,000 miles today:


Blogger Courtney said...

Aweee its getting old! Hey remember my piece of crap that I ended up having to LEAVE in Tusla!!!!! OMG that was crazy.

2/07/2008 7:53 PM

Blogger Renee said...

I remember driving your car and it died on the way to my parents' house. That was pretty much before cell phones so I had to walk to a nearby house and ask to use their phone (the lady wouldn't let little ol' me come inside, but luckily she had a cordless phone and brought it out to me). Turns out that it was out of gas! It had been having problems starting lately and I could have sworn I checked the gas gauge when I got in, so I assumed it was just having problems again.

2/08/2008 12:55 AM


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