North Florida Fair
The North Florida Fair was open from November 8th - 18th. Craig wasn't interested in going so I went without him on opening night because admission was free during the first hour. It wasn't crowded at all so I didn't have to wait in any lines--so nice! I saw all the shows (swine racing--hilarious, American western show--educational, wild animals show--bears, wolves, mountain lion--and rattlesnake show), rode a few rides, drank some fresh squeezed lemonade & hot chocolate, ate some chili fries & deep fried Reeses Peanut Butter Cups (oh my, so delicious!) and did lots of walking and people watching. I brought a coat and hat but not gloves--I didn't realize just how cold it was going to be since it was warm during the day. The hat didn't cover my ears all the way and my fingers were freezing during the rides. As I drove home at 9:30pm, I saw on a bank sign that the temperature was 45 degrees.
(All the photos in this post can be clicked on for a larger view)

2 days later my friend Nevada asked if Craig and I wanted to go to the fair with her and her husband Al. I said I'd have to convince Craig (since he's not very interested in fairs) and we'd have to get a babysitter so I'd let her know. We ended up booking a sitter (our good friend Karen) and they booked a sitter for their 5-month-old boy but then an hour before we were supposed to meet, Nevada called and said their sitter had to cancel because he missed his flight back to town. I was sooo disappointed because I was all geared up to go on a double date. Craig and I ended up going on a date by ourselves since we already had a sitter coming and we took a raincheck on the double date at the fair. It was very cold that evening so it was probably best that we didn't go to the fair afterall.
Craig and I ended up going to the fair on the last day because admission price was only $2. We took Alisa because we couldn't find a sitter (we don't know many yet) so we didn't buy unlimited rides passes. We ate kabobs, deep fried cauliflower & deep fried Oreos and walked around looking at the animals and then I rode one ride. Alisa slept in the stroller for about an hour and then I put her in the baby carrier so she could see everything as we walked. She loved it! We took her to the petting zoo and she looked at the camels, llamas, kangaroos, various birds, bunnies, goats, pigs, sheep and more. The weather was perfect and Craig had a decent time afterall.

We thought the hand written "Fat Balls $4" sign at this stand was funny. I had never heard of fat balls before (they sound disgusting). I only got a glance of one and it looked like a large fried ball of dough filled with cherry pie filling.

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