Alisa is 6 Months Old Today
We went out a few times and had friends over at the beginning of the month and Alisa cried each time because she was tired and around strangers. I realized I need to take her out more so she can get used to being around more people. One time she cried because 2 boisterous ladies in line ahead of me at a clothing store saw Alisa and started talking about how fat she was and they seemed shocked like they had never seen a chubby baby before. Alisa started crying as if she knew they were insulting her. I wasn't really offended because I knew those ladies were just ignorant.
At the beginning of the month, we started putting Alisa in the Bumbo chair to get her ready for sitting. By the middle of the month, she could sit up without it with assistance from us. She was wobbly and didn't last long though. By the end of the month, she could sit very well unassisted with her legs spread out straight (sometimes she's practically doing the splits). She loves sitting so much now that she tries to sit up straight when we are feeding her or when she's in her swing or not yet strapped into her carseat.
Getting help sitting by holding onto the playgym toys and from Mommy's foot (9-13-07):

She is holding onto this toy tightly to keep her balance while sitting (9-16-07):

Sitting up unassisted! (9-21-07):

She still sleeps 12-13 hours every night and takes 3 naps (30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours long) every day. She goes to bed around 9 or 9:30 PM and is still sleeping in the bassinet part of the Pack 'N Play in our room. She had a runny nose and cough a few days after going to the monthly playgroup that some of us girls from the breastfeeding support group just started. Thankfully, it didn't become bad enough to constantly block her nostrils or keep her up at night. Her coughing became worse when she cried so she coughed more around naptime if she protested the nap. She lets us know she was ready for a nap by getting frustrated with her toys and fussing. When we put her in her crib (not the Pack 'N Play) she'd either cry for a few minutes or go right to sleep.
She gained almost 1 1/2 lbs and outgrew many outfits this month. She is in the 75th percentile for weight, height and head circumference. She is better at eating rice cereal so I really should give her other solids soon. She still enjoys frequent walks in the carrier. She spends a lot of time playing with the toys on her playgym and loves looking at herself in the mirror. A week after she had sitting under control, she started to change from a sitting position to her tummy and back to sitting. She's better at scooting forward and occasionally crawls on her hands and knees for a few paces. She's been playing with her buddy Benjamin once a week and doesn't cry around him like she did the first few times. She ate a banana puff baby snack (melts in her mouth) for the first time when Benjamin was over. She didn't know what to make of it at first, but liked it days later when I bought some (fun to pick up and put in mouth).
Laughing with Daddy (9-08-07 and 9-16-07):

I love this picture (9-17-07):

Sitting on Mommy's lap looking at the "Squishy Turtle" book (9-17-07):

Fascinated by Mommy's pants (9-19-07):

Talking to her tabby blanket (9-19-07):

Craig loves John Deere so he was thrilled that I found a John Deere tabby blanket (9-21-07):

Scattering seeds that Nana sent us along the bank of the creek (9-24-07):

I love this picture too (9-27-07):

New duck toy has mirror on back (9-27-07):

Pausing after figuring out how to crawl on her hands and knees (9-27-07):

Benjamin and Alisa play together again (9-28-07):

Trying to pick up banana puffs:

Fun with the mirror:

Alisa with rice cereal on her face (9-28-07):

Leaning forward to suck on bouncy seat toy (9-30-07):

Alisa discovered that it is fun to lick and bang on the sliding glass doors (10-07-07):

Labels: family
Oh my goodness, they were talking about her being chubby? That is SO RUDE! I think she looks perfect, babies are supposed to be kinda chubby! Hayden is well on her way...a month old and almost 10 pounds! whoo hoo! It doesn't matter they will both grow up and be skinny like us!
12/02/2007 3:40 PM
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