Local Pics
Crape myrtles blooming in mid-July:

This used to be a nice lake (Lake Jackson) but a sinkhole opened up many years ago and sucked out nearly all the water. Now, people who used to have nice lakefront property, have just a dry lakebed to look at.

This was a boat ramp at Lake Jackson:

We call this the "scary tree" because the Spanish moss makes it look spooky, especially at night. It is on the grounds of one of the local nurseries.

This is a Mexican Fan palm tree:

I love the palm leaves:

Nice "boots" on this trunk:

This palm tree at the Jacksonville airport is quite different from the Mexican Fan palm tree:

I took this picture of myself by some pine trees in our yard:

Neat swing at the neighbors' house up the road from us:

Another neighbor has this bird in their yard (reminded me of the horse above because they are both made of metal):

Azaleas blooming in March in our neighborhood:

Flowers in our yard in August:

Minga running in the shallow creek behind our house:

We've had lots of big storms lately and now the creek has a very nice, flat, sandy bottom (before, it was rocky and uneven):

View of our house from the creek:

Our neighbors that live in this lovely house are the ones who gave us many banana trees:

There are other barrel-style homes like ours are in the neighborhood (but ours is the only 3-story one and the only one that was recently remodeled, which gave it vinyl siding and windows on the main floor unlike the other homes):

City workers showed up one day without notice and within a few hours had replaced the light pole that is by our driveway with a new one:

They parked this truck on the edge of our property while they went to lunch in another truck:

New light pole, wired and ready to go:

Labels: nature, tallahassee
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