Home Again
We made it home safe and sound. I was worried that I'd be very uncomfortable during the ride home since I had been gradually becoming more uncomfortable over the past 3 weeks (like I had some back pain just from driving around town), but again I had no problems. Craig is a driving machine and did most of the driving (as usual).
Minga was exceptionally well behaved so I think her first heat matured her a little. Also, having to leave her outside alone a lot at my parents' house helped with her separation anxiety. She didn't whine when Craig got out of the car to pump gas, which is a first. We ended up actually eating our meals in the restaurants and leaving Minga in the car by herself because she just sat there and didn't whine. It was truly amazing.
Minga loved sticking her head out of the window while we were driving...we let her do that when we were going 50 mph or less (it was too breezy for us when we went faster that than with the window down).

We had a good laugh when we first got on the road to drive to Tulsa because Minga's window rolled down and she casually stuck her head out. I thought Craig had rolled it down for her but he looked at me and asked if I rolled the window down. I said no because I don't have control over the other windows like the driver does. He said he didn't do it so I looked back at Minga and saw that her paw was right on the control on her door. We laughed and joked about Minga rolling her window down on purpose when really she didn't even know she is the one who did it. Can you imagine if she did do it on purpose? There would be a battle of the window during the whole trip unless Craig locked the control so she couldn't do it. Ha!

Our house was in good condition upon our arrival (we didn't have anyone check on it while we were gone) and actually smelled like when we first moved in (that new paint smell). I thought it would be stuffy and stinky from being shut up for 3 straight weeks. The bright green grass is very tall now and makes the yard look so much better. We have yet to buy a mower.
The weather has been 65 degrees during the day (35 at night) so I went for a lovely walk yesterday afternoon. I was sure tired and a bit achy by the end of it (an hour in our neighborhood, which has many hills) but after I rested for a bit I felt great the rest of the night. I plan on walking again today. I haven't been exercising lately (it's always so hard to get started!) but I think I can keep it up now. I have a prenatal DVD I can do as well.
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