This is my site where I will be sharing my thoughts, feelings and happenings. In the words of Austin Powers, "It's my happening, baby, and it freaks me out...yeah!" Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Dog Dreams

We have some good laughs watching Minga nap sometimes. She dreams a lot and is an active sleeper. Her muscles twitch, her legs move and she whines or barks (muffled barks with her mouth mostly closed). When she was a lot younger she would do the suckling motion with her mouth (dreaming of momma, I assume). Whenever she barks a lot in her sleep we can't help but laugh because it's just cute and funny for some reason. It would be interesting to see what she's dreaming.

Last night was the first time I can remember hearing Craig talk in his sleep and actually understanding what he said AND remembering it in the morning so I could tell him! He very clearly said, "Good girl, Minga! Good girl." Haha! How sweet. We dream of her and I'm sure she dreams of us too.



Blogger longspider said...

Cute! Both Minga and Craig, hehe

12/04/2006 10:25 PM


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