Alisa Pics
Here are the long-awaited pics of our baby Alisa...

Alisa is reaching to Daddy for help:

Alisa's first sponge bath:

Alisa had to have an IV in her arm to give her a few rounds of antibiotics to prevent any infections since she was born over 18 hours after my water broke:

Birth canal head:

My baby has a double chin:

No, she's not being strangled, she's being burped:

This is my favorite pic of super happy Daddy and baby:

First car ride:

Her head shape is returning to normal:

Alisa often falls asleep while we are burping her...we see this face often:

My mom came to visit from Tulsa and help us out for 2 weeks:

My mom made this awesome, super soft and fuzzy quilt for Alisa:

Alisa's 1st Easter was the day after she was born:

Our little burrito girl:

Alisa's hair before washing (it's really fluffy and soft after it's freshly washed):

Our chubby baby:

Alisa in her carseat:

Alisa in her fancy swing/bouncy seat combo:

Alisa's 1st home sponge bath:

Alisa crying after her bath (you won't see this face much):

Craig's Aunt Margie came to visit for a week from New Jersey:

Craig's Momma came to visit for a week from West Virginia:

Craig's Grandaddy came to visit for a week from South Florida:

Alisa swaddled in carseat:

Labels: family
AWW! She's the cutest burrito I've ever seen. Nibble those toes for me.
4/21/2007 8:59 PM
I miss you guys so much. It is so exciting to see your bea-utiful daughter. . . she is off the hezy. Anywho I can't wait to hold her. I am also looking forward to catching up. Thank you so much for keeping us updated.
Jonny Foz
4/22/2007 9:58 AM
Wow! From looking at the photos it looks like she's changing a lot. You guys did a great job with her! : ) Tell her that her future mother-in-law said hi! hehe!
4/22/2007 6:14 PM
Awww... gorgous pics of a gorgous girl! A little Easter Bunny Baby... sooo cute!!!
I never knew hom much you looked like your Mom, Renee!
4/30/2007 1:07 PM
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