Childbirth Education Class
We've been to 2 of 5 childbirth education classes so far. The teacher is really friendly and spunky. There are 11 couples total in the class and I think my due date is the furthest away by a week. During the first class we broke into groups in order to get to know another couple better. Then after about 10 minutes of socializing, each couple introduced the other couple to the whole group. Our group actually had 3 couples in it since there was an odd number.
Next, the teacher talked about myths and fears, the fear-tension-pain cycle and creating a birth plan. She also showed us anatomy diagrams to show how displaced a pregnant woman's organs are due to the growing baby inside her. Crazy stuff. We discussed pregnancy discomforts and how to relieve them and she showed us some good stretches to do and breathing patterns for relaxation.
During the second class we talked more about relaxation and breathing patterns, as well as coping methods to use during contractions. She told us the signs of impending labor and how to properly time contractions. We discussed the first stage of labor (which has 3 parts--early, active and transition) and medication advantages and disadvantages.
I found it all very interesting and helpful. She said only about 30% of women will have their water break spontaneously before going into labor. And she mentioned that some women get a true nesting instinct 12-24 hours before they go into labor. This is a sudden burst of energy where they want to clean and organize everything. This usually happens after a night when they can't sleep. Now many women will spend their time cleaning and getting ready for the baby weeks and months before their due date and this is also called nesting. But, the TRUE nesting instinct (that you may or may not notice) is one sign of impending labor. Animals, such as dogs, have the same instinct 12-24 hours before they give birth. They have a burst of energy and root around gathering things like blankets and stuffed animals (if they live indoors) to make a nice bed for their pups.
Here is my belly at 32 weeks (I never tire of looking at it):

I've been watching "A Baby Story" on TLC every day lately. Every birth is so different and it helps me to see all the variety (good and bad). I am already mentally preparing myself to push this baby out! Ever since we started attending the childbirth class and I started watching "A Baby Story" I have been dreaming about baby Alisa and her birth more and more. It is starting to become more real and I am getting very excited. I can't wait to finally hold our baby girl!
Labels: pregnancy
Look at you! :)
How do you like the new blogger? i like the labels... gotta go back and label my older posts one of these days, it's a great way to organize your stuff - for yourself and your readers.
As much as I'd like to comment all your recent posts (I've glanced thru all the pics, they're great!), I've got to go get some work done now, but I'll be back...
2/05/2007 2:45 PM
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