Spiders in my car
I got the heebie-jeebies today when I got into my car to go to the grocery store. I saw tons of tiny spiders in a thick web by the front passenger air vent and window. I grabbed the lot of them with a kleenex and smashed them. Then I noticed that there was another clump of them in a web in the corner where the dashboard meets the windshield. I grabbed more kleenex and obliterated that group. I started driving and drove past 5 houses when I noticed there were tons more on MY side where the dashboard meets the windshield. I got those and some more that were by the rear passenger's window. By this time I was creeped out and hopping mad (why me?!). Those critters ran fast when they saw me coming so several escaped. I got to my destination (Wal-Mart) and the lot was seriously full. I had to park in the separate lot at the very back (that was a first). It's probably a good thing though because I went after the remaining spiders and was glad no one was around to observe me. I discovered more webs and spiders on the back window. So, they were literally in all 4 corners of the car and then some! Arrrrrggggghhhh! Those spiders really had a party last night! An eggsack must have gotten in my car and hatched overnight. I'm sure the battle will go on a bit longer. There will be new webs in my car in the morning but at least there won't be tons of spiders. Right? Please tell me there won't be tons of spiders in my car tomorrow!!
Man, just writing this makes me feel like I have tiny spiders tickling my arms as they run up them. I'd better stop. But, I'll leave you with some pictures I took of the ever-present Banana Spiders that I've posted about before. I took these pictures around our yard today. These were NOT the spiders that were in my car today.
Click on each picture for a larger version where you can see more details....
By the creek:

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