August Alisa Pics - Part 2
Pictures from the 2nd half of August....
Before bath:

After bath:


Waking up from a nap:

Totally awake after a nap:

So busy playing with toys:

Alisa has a couple of these dress-like onesies:

Alisa often falls asleep in the car on the way home from running errands:

Sitting in her new Bumbo chair (more on that later this week):

Alisa went to baby Benjamin's house to play for the first time last Tuesday. I met his mom, Savannah, at the breastfeeding support group. The babies had a super cute moment when they first greeted each other. Benjamin was sitting on the floor (supported by his mom with one hand) so I put Alisa on the floor right in front of him (their feet were touching). I had to really support her because she can't sit yet. The babies stared at each other for a bit and then touched each other's cheeks and made little noises and wiggled their arms and legs. It was really cute but I didn't get any pics or videos of that moment because I had to hold Alisa up.

It's interesting to see how babies develop differently, according to their own timeline. There usually isn't any reason to worry if your baby isn't sitting or crawling or walking when other babies are because they will get there eventually. Benjamin is a good sitter and doesn't like to be on his tummy. Alisa loves to be on her tummy and is good at rolling over but she cannot sit at all (she just leans forward till she's totally folded over and can suck on her toes).

Alisa loved Benjamin's toys. Savannah only brought out the plastic ones (which she had washed ahead of time) so they could be easily cleaned afterwards. She also spread out a blanket for the babies to play on. It's a good thing she did that because Alisa was a spit-up machine that day. She spit up so many times on the toys and blanket! Savannah said she got 3 blankets like that for like $3 or something really cheap so it didn't matter--very smart!

Gone are the days when Alisa would lie still on the changing table! She is constantly looking for something to grab onto:

Super happy baby:

She often naps with her little butt sticking up in the air:

Surrounded by toys:

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