We Love Visitors
We've had quite a few visitors to our lovely home and we welcome all others.
First my mom came for 2 weeks to help out around the time of Alisa's birth. She was a tremendous help with everything (Alisa, cleaning house, cooking, etc).

Then the next week (when Alisa was 1 week old) Craig's mom, aunt and grandfather came for a week. They all arrived from separate places (mom from West Virginia, aunt from New Jersey and grandfather from South Florida). We had a full house then! We had a lovely time and managed to go out to eat several times since Alisa slept most of the time back then.
Grandaddy, Aunt Margie and Craig's mom just before saying goodbye:

My brother Greg and his girlfriend Chelsea visited us for a week when Alisa was 5 weeks old. We went to the beach with them one day (Alisa's first time).
Alisa started sucking Greg's arm because she was hungry:

Chelsea burping Alisa:

We ate outside at the Blue Parrot restaurant right by the beach on St George Island. Alisa had her first super messy diaper while we were eating here. We had to change her outfit because her diaper leaked big time!

Condos galore line part of the beach:

Lots of shells at the beach:

The waves are small at St George Island but listening to them is still calming:

Minga loves the beach and ocean! Greg and Chelsea were kind enough to take her with them on their outings (Craig and I couldn't go to the beach every time with them because of work and Alisa):

Craig's Dad (who will be known to Alisa as Grandpappy) came from New Jersey for a weekend visit the weekend Greg and Chelsea headed home to Oklahoma.

We drove Grandpappy to the airport after his visit and stopped at a nearby hotel afterwards to change Alisa's diaper. She had quite the explosion in her diaper and we needed to change her outfit too. Then we hung out by the pool and hot tub there because she needed a break from her carseat. She took a nap with Daddy and then I nursed her and we drove home.
At hotel in Jacksonville, FL (5-21-07):

So lovely!

There were many Penta flowers by the hotel pool:

Labels: family
I love the shot of Minga with sand all over her face and the one with Alisa and the Hibiscus Flower :)
6/06/2007 11:11 AM
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