Colorado People Pics
Kids making crafts while camping near Aspen. The campers (locals) before us were nice enough to leave the table there so we could use it for a few days.

Gracie loves making funny faces.

All the kids loved riding in the Jeep, playing by and in the river and "fishing" with their new poles (either on land or in the river, catching the magnetic plastic fish that came with their poles).

Noah liked putting on the head of Ella's dog costume (came with paws and a tail too) and crawling around on all fours like a dog. So cute!

This oversized lawn chair makes Anna look so small!

We don't normally pick wildflowers (it's discouraged so the land doesn't get picked clean by all the visitors) but Anna picked a few when no one was looking and so Janet picked a few while hiking way up in the mountains where the flowers were abundant and people hardly ever go and made her a gorgeous bouquet.

In John's yard:

The Chases snacking on Copper Mountain and then posing at the bottom:

Renee and cousin Vanessa:
Cousin Jonathan holding his sister's month old baby Chloe:
Male cousins, except for Jonathan:

Uncle Don took these pictures of Craig relaxing:

Aunt Nancy took this adorable picture of Isaac:

Stelle family posing on the great moon-watching rock (it rises from behind the mountain in the background). Minga really enjoyed her first trip to Colorado!

Dave Eland clan posing at The Grottos near Lincoln Gulch campground:

Check out these fabulous pics Uncle Don took during the reunion--he's such a great photographer! He put together a DVD of the event and gave each of us a copy.

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