Colorado Scenic Pics
I have been working over the past few days to get my Colorado pictures ready to post (narrowing them down and shrinking the photos to fit best on my blog). I am happy to announce that many are ready and will be going up in groups to make things more manageable. After the Colorado pics are up, some Florida ones will be soon on their way so keep checking!
My favorite flower, the Colorado Columbine:

I love how they can grow amongst the rocks:

My brother's 4-story house which backs up to the National Forest and is surrounded by wildflowers:

Mountains near Leadville:

Indian Paintbrush flowers:

Other wildflowers:

At Lincoln Gulch campground near Aspen:

The rest of these were taken off of a Jeep trail near the Lincoln Gulch was a fantastic place to hike and take pictures--so gorgeous!:

Chelsea (brother Greg's girlfriend), Tim (bro-in-law), Craig, Janet (sister) :

Again, amazing photos. You've got such a great eye! I especially loved the floral close-ups. Loved to see your bro's house, too... looks so remote and beautiful! Keep it up, girlie!
8/31/2006 11:18 PM
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