This is my site where I will be sharing my thoughts, feelings and happenings. In the words of Austin Powers, "It's my happening, baby, and it freaks me out...yeah!" Enjoy!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


There are so many spiders on our property and most are big colorful ones! I don't care for spiders (I hate walking into their sticky webs and I hate it when they crawl on me)...especially when they are in my house...but I do realized that they help us by eating pesky bugs. The other day I had an encounter with one in our bedroom (1st one I've seen in our house). I put my slipper on to take Minga out for her morning bathroom break and I felt something crunchy at my toes. I screamed and threw off the slipper. After shivering a bit I relunctantly shook the slipper over the trashcan to see what was there. A HUGE spider fell out and I shivered again because it was creepy and I had touched it with my bare toes. This sucker's legs spanned the length and width of my palm! I'm not sure what kind it was all grey. Craig took the trashcan outside and let the spider go (he prefers saving them to squishing them). I usually squish ones I find in the house (not ones I find outside) but this one would have been too gross to squish because it was so large. My slippers had been on my dresser (so that Minga couldn't chew on them) so for the next few days I was paranoid about spiders being in my clothes. I can say that I will never put my slippers on again without checking them first!

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Blogger longspider said...

Wooohooo! There she is! How's our little Mama doin? And, spiders are scary. Sort of. ESPECIALLY in your slippers. Yuck!

8/30/2006 2:18 AM

Blogger longspider said...

Hey - I just saw my special thank-you note! Thanks! Very sveet... Yeah, I figured out that commenting is the most fun part of blogging... the only way you know for sure anyone is actually reading your stuff is if they leave a comment, right?! My family has been pretty slow, but now they're figuring out that if you register with Blogger when leaving a comment, you got yourself a spankin new blog in no time. That's how I got into blogging in the first place - leaving a comment on YOUR blog! So, a special thanks to Renee for helping me discover my favorite hobby!

8/31/2006 12:41 AM


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