April Colorado Trip
I had the great pleasure of going to Colorado again to visit John & Lindsay and the kids and to go to my friend Mary's wedding. Fun fun! Craig couldn't get off work (busy spring season) so my sister Karen came with me. The ride down there was trouble-free.
When we arrived, there was about 3 feet of snow still piled up in John's yard and there was snow on the ski slopes & cross country trail but there wasn't any snow down in the town. It snowed both days we were there (5 inches one night/morning!) but it was sunny and in the 40's during the afternoons so the sun melted a lot of the snow each day.
Here are pictures of the kiddos, from youngest to oldest:
It is so easy to make Noah smile. He's such a good boy!

Ella is always on the move and enjoys playing by herself (this was the first trip I got some good pictures of her because she actually sat fairly still a few times) . She got distracted during this craft/story time and started playing a sort of peek-a-boo with me by looking at me above and under the table many times.

Lindsay makes up a craft for the kids to work on every day. Lately she has been taking some of their favorite stories and developing a craft from that. For this one, she cut out a sheep and its legs from this cool thin foamboard-type material, a grassy hill from construction paper and a night cap from some other material and then let them each glue on all the parts (including those googly eyes!) and stick flower & star stickers (also made from that thin foamy material) on their page. She is such a fun and loving mother!

Isaac wasn't feeling well during our visit (he had a bad cough, etc). He did perk up a bit each day though and was able to play with us. He has a really deep voice for a kid and it's adorable.

Gracie is a good artist and has been taking dance classes. Here she is all bundled up and ready to play in the snow:

Karen and I went cross country skiing and snowshoeing on a trail that starts near John's house. It snowed a bit at first but then the clouds rolled away and it was blue sky & sunny--I got so warm I took my gloves off (which I never do because my hands get cold so easily!). Here are some pics from that:

I was being silly and striking poses while wearing snowshoes and I fell down:

Some of the Breckenridge ski slopes:

We drove from Breckenridge to Colorado Springs for Mary's wedding on Saturday, April 8th. After the wedding we walked around the fancy Broadmoor Hotel before crashing at our aunt's house that night. A guy walking by offered to take our picture for us so here it is:

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