Fish Pics
Fish tank update: Craig traded the cichlids back to the fish store because they have reeked havoc on the tank and almost all living creatures that they have come in contact with. The mangroves were about to die because they chewed off most of the new root growth. They even chewed up the most of the black plastic on the water heater!
The local fish store we go to is called Aquarium Oddballs (they get cool and the more unusual fish from around the world) and Craig has talked with the owner a lot. A few weeks ago, the owner accepted our mangrove roots as a trade for more fish in order to grow them in a safe tank (since ours was no longer safe for them because of our aggressive fish).
We'll see what we get next! I think Craig is considering a flounder (those really flat fish with both eyes on the same side). Also, we are waiting for the owner to get some more blowfish in from Asia (or somewhere on the other side of the world) so he can sell us one.
Check out how 3 of the cichlids lined up perfectly for the picture!

I finally got a decent picture with the Bristlenose Pleco in it (he's the dark one on the red rock). It's really hard to get his picture because he's always so busy sucking the algae off of the pots and rocks and he's pretty camera shy (he can hide anywhere because he can chill upside down under things!).

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