This is my site where I will be sharing my thoughts, feelings and happenings. In the words of Austin Powers, "It's my happening, baby, and it freaks me out...yeah!" Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Rare Shopping Experiences

I was shopping at Sam's last week and I saw the tallest guy I've ever seen in person in my life. He had to be over 7 feet tall because the top of my head only came up to his armpits. Wow!

Have you ever been the last customer out of a large store like Toys 'R Us? I was tonight. There were a few families in there when I arrived 30 minutes prior to closing, but by the time I got up to the register 5 minutes before closing, I was the only one left. The manager said there should be some kind of prize for being the last customer out, but he didn't give me anything.


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