We got a new pet at the end of May. Craig has always wanted a turtle and his friend's sister's friend had a baby turtle she needed to get rid of so it was a perfect match. It is a 1-year-old Sulcata turtle (also known as an African Spurred Tortoise because it has spurs on its back legs). It is the 3rd largest kind in world--if it's a male, it will grow up to 30 inches long and if it's a female it will grow up to 20 inches long. In a few years, we will be able to tell if it's male or female by the shape of its shell. It has a lifespan of 150 years!
We have been feeding it clover, chickweed and blades of grass from our yard and Spring Mix lettuce and shredded carrots from the grocery store. Every other day we sprinkle calcium powder on the lettuce. Its terrarium has a water dish, bathing pool with live grass and a tunnel. We change the water and rake/sift out any remaining food and poop every morning. Alisa and Minga like watching the turtle, which is the cutest little turtle we've ever seen.

Ohh I love it! It is sooo cute. I want one now!
6/15/2008 12:24 PM
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